Rehabilitation therapy
Rehabilitation therapy includes phiseo-, occupational, speech therapy etc
One of the unique features of the rehabilitation programs at Reuth is the leveraging of the professional skills of all the members of the multidisciplinary team for the specific patient. They are very flexible and look at the patient as a whole and not at the person’s limitations or problems. All members of the rehabilitation team are taking part in state of the art methodologies training, thereby continuously updating their knowledge and maintaining their professional qualifications.
Physical therapy. Physical therapy at rehabilitation institutions in Israel is used to restore the motor functions of the body.
Occupational therapy. Occupational therapy assists in the healing process by keeping patients occupied; the restoration of job, learning, and basic daily-living tasks, and any other skills that were lost due to illness or injury, encourages the patient to continue the rehabilitation process.
Speech therapy. The restoration of normal speech is of major importance in the rehabilitation program, since the use of language in normal everyday activates is an essential life skill. Accordingly, speech disorders of any type, from the inability to build a phrase or to pronounce a word to voice management, create communication problems and require rehabilitation under the supervision of a specialist.
Snoezelen-therapy (sensor rehabilitation). Sensor disorders, i.e. impaired reaction of sensory organs to irritation, may be reversible, but restoration of this vital sphere of human activity requires specific methods.
Professional medical care. People with disabilities require special care. To properly lift the patient, turn him over, help him find a comfortable position and change it – all require not so much physical strength as hands-on knowledge and skills.
Treatment of pain. Pain syndrome is one of the leading "rivals" of the rehabilitation process. It prevents the re-establishment of active movements, prevents concentration, and undermines the moral strength of the patient.
Pet-therapy. Pet-therapy uses specially trained animals in individually-designed therapeutic programs.
Laboratory of electrodiagnostics. Electrodiagnostic testing consists of two parts: electromyodiagnostics (EMG) – verification of the passage of electrical impulses in the muscles and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) – nerve fiber conductivity test. These examinations helps to identify the causes of sensory and mobility deficiency of the limbs, as well as the cause of paralysis and pain.
Music therapy. Music therapy is an important part of the rehabilitation program. It offers a wide range of tools for working with patients with multiple disabilities: use of instruments and of existing and improvised melodies, voice and movements.